Wydanie 2/2010
str. 22
Epidemiologia pozagałkowego zapalenia nerwu wzrokowego w obserwacji 20-letniej
Epidemiology of the Retrobulbar Neuritis in 20-years Observation
Karolina Kaźmierczak, Grażyna Malukiewicz
Katedra i Klinika Chorób Oczu Collegium Medicum im. L. Rydygiera w Bydgoszczy Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu
Summary: Retrobulbar neuritis is very common disease associated with acute visual loss and often ocular pain. The aim of the retrospective study is to evaluate the epidemiology of isolated (group 1, 41 patients) and demyelinating (group 2, 28 patients) retrobulbar neuritis. Acute retrobulbar neuritis occurred mostly in the spring. It was bilateral in 29 (42%) patients and recurrent in 14 (20.3%). Uhthoff’s syndrome was found in 48 patients (69.6%).
Słowa kluczowe: nawracające pozagałkowe zapalenie nerwu wzrokowego, obustronne pozagałkowe zapalenie nerwu wzrokowego, epidemiologia, objaw Uhthoffa.
Keywords: recurent retrobulbar neuritis, bilateral retrobulbar neuritis, epidemiology, Uhthoff’s syndrome.