Ozone an inactivated, trivalent (O3) form of oxygen (O2) was named by German
scientist Christian Frederick Schonbein in the mid-nineteenth century (1). The
therapeutic concentrations of ozone were used primarily to disinfect operating
rooms in 1856 and subsequently for water treatment in 1860 (Foundation for
alternative science & Technology). Since then, several authors began to focus
on the use of ozone in medical therapy. However it was not until 1992 when
Gierek-Łapińska and Antoszewski reported the efficacy of ozone in the treatment
of different ophthalmologic diseases namely infectious conjunctivitis and
keratitis, corneal degeneration and diseases of the posterior segment of the
eye (2, 3). To date, several methods for the application of medical O3 have
been introduced, to be precise direct intra-arterial and intravenous
application, rectal insufflations, intramuscular injections, major and minor
autohemotherapy, ozonated water, intra-articular injection, ozone bagging,
ozonated oil and inhalation of ozone (4–9).
A critical appraisal of relevant literature when it comes to ozone use in
ophthalmologic diseases revealed sporadic clinical reports, from a few centers
mainly Cuba. A double blind controlled clinical trail by Moreno et al. (10)
comprising of 123 patients with retinitis pigmentosa, reported efficacy of
ozonated blood in 62 patients assigned to the treatment, although its action
was temporary. Another clinical evaluation by Mapolon et al. (11) reported
remission of photophobia and photopsia in all 50 patients with retinitis
pigmentosa treated with ozone. Diaz et al. (12) in a clinical study of 180
patients suffering from different ophthalmologic diseases like retinitis
pigmentosa, myopia, chronic open angle glaucoma, optic atrophy and diabetic
retinopathy who were treated with daily rectal ozone therapy, demonstrated
improvement ranging from 23–63% at follow-up over one year. Satiesteban et al.
(13) in a cross sectional study involving 60 patients suffering from optic
nerve dysfunction (OND) of different etiologies and time of evolution treated
with mixture of ozone/oxygen endovenously by autohemotherapy, during 15
sessions demonstrated 86% and 83% improvement in Pelli Robson Contrast
Sensitivity Test (PRCST) and visual field (VF) by Goldmann Perimetry.
We report two cases of viral blepharitis in children treated with O3. For the
first time we have decided to apply ozone therapy directly to the skin in a
close distance, using Ozony Tron X (probe-tube used in dermatology) with good
clinical outcome. The purpose of this paper is, firstly, to objectively
evaluate clinical application of O3, secondly to assess the validity of ozone
therapy in children with viral blepharitis.
Case report
An 11-years old boy developed accumulation of small vesicles involving the both
lid margins and periocular skin. The disease was preceded by a week long period
of itching and inflammation followed by a vesicular eruption. Out of concern
for eye involvement ophthalmological consultation was obtained. On referral to
ophthalmologist on the skin of the upper and lower eyelid small bullous
eruptions of the size of several millimeter were present, which demonstrated
the tendency to group themselves (Fig. 1.). These lesions had inflamed,
erythematous base. The patient reported having suffered HSV infection 2 years
earlier due to excessive exposure to sunlight. During the recent infection the
conjunctiva was cultured and it was found not to be infected and the cornea was
clear. The diagnosis of recurrent HSV infection was confirmed by Tzanck smear.
The second patient, a 10-years old child complained of similar symptoms for two
days. Disturbing swelling and redness of the eyelids were the reason for
referral to ophthalmologist. On the swollen skin of both eyelids small
vesicular eruptions with the tendency to group appeared (Fig. 2.).
Ozone was administered. The patients started their ozone treatment at the
beginning of an eruption. It should be noted that ozone therapy applied on
inflammatory changes of the skin of eyelids was isolated and treated without
additional conventional (pharmacological) treatment. Method applied by us is
based on active oxygen produced by the generator of the ozone from the device
Ozony Tron X (Mymed). The method of applying the ozone with the glass-probe on
the skin surfaces is shown on the Figure 3.
Treatments were performed once daily using ozone on inflamed skin of both
eyelids and were limited to 2 sessions in the first child and to 3 in the
second child. The time of application of the ozone ranged between 20 to 60
seconds on 1 cm2 of skin surface. In our method we used the probe very
precisely in order not to exceed the cutaneous-conjunctival border. The
treatment with daily insufflations of medical ozone was completed when patients
did not complain of any discomfort and local changes have completely resolved.
In both cases rapid improvement right after the first application was noted –
subjective discomfort (itching, burning) disappeared. Ophthalmological
examination of the affected eyes revealed disappearance of the redness and
appearance of a little crusts where the bullous eruptions were placed.
Ophthalmoscopy did not reveal any pathological signs. The patient had no more
signs of herpes after the 3rd session, with this treatment was completed (Fig.
4.). Similar outcome was established in the other case after 2nd course of our
management. The recurrence tendency was not observed after two years following
Modern ozone therapy is considered as an alternative approach for a wide
variety of health problems, utilized as an additional supporting treatment or
where no other effective management exists. For the first time we have decided
to apply ozone therapy directly to the skin in a close distance, using
OzonyTron X (probe-tube used in dermatology) in pediatric patients with viral
blephatitis with good clinical outcome. It has been previously reported, that
ozone effectively inactivates viruses (14, 15). Elimination of viruses using
ozone is carried out in two stages: the first stage-extracellular, where a
selective reaction of ozone with unsaturated fatty acids of cell membrane takes
place, and which leads to infiltration of oxygenated metabolic products to the
cell inside. The second stage-intracellular, consisting in a direct
intervention of peroxides in autoreproduction of a virus.
In spite of this excellent antiviral and antibacterial effect, ozone has not
been widely utilized in medicine because of the widespread belief that it is
toxic to human (14). Apart from this, Marchetti & Monaca (16) reported case of
death due to air embolism during ozone use in the psoriasis treatment. Daschner
(17) reported Hepatitis C and HIV infections following ozone autohaemotherapy.
Furthermore Faustini et al. (18) in cross sectional study demonstrated that
transmission of HCV infection due to cross contamination occurred amongst 6 out
of 31 patients who were exposed to autohaemotherapy or intramuscular injection
in an outpatient clinic of a hospital in Italy. Lo Giudice et al. (19)
presented case report of a 45-year-old woman with acute bilateral
vitreo-retinal hemorrhages following oxygen–ozone therapy for lumbar disk
herniation. Corea et al. (20) also reported case of vertebrobasilar stroke
after treatement with ozone-oxygen for lumbar disc herniation. It is
interesting to notice that in our case there was absence of side effects in
patients receiving ozone therapy. Eukaryotic cells protect the skin from the
ozone caused damage, due to resistance to the attack of atoms of oxygen.
Additional protection is provided by the anatomic structure of the skin (cells
arranged in layers). Therefore, we used safely ozone to the eyelids skin.
The application of ozone by OzonyTron X probe is painless which is important,
especially in case of children. The diameter of the used probe was too big in
comparison with the location and the range of skin lesions on the eyelids, thus
required considerable technical skills. We recommend to try another way of
application of ozone on the eyelid that it: “to blow ozone” – a non-contact
method. Our suggestion of the appliance is that a probe of a smaller diameter
should be developed for ophthalmological use.
We observed a “cut-off” of the course of disease and also clear shortening of
the disease course, if therapy starts early. In our observations, we noticed
that superficial changes more quickly resolved (2–3 applications) and did not
require additional pharmacological treatment. From our experience we find that
if the inflammation involved the deeper skin layers, or indicate mixed
infection (viral, bacterial) the duration of ozone therapy definitely
It was important to perform treatments daily, to continue therapy till healing
was complete and not to stop treatment prematurely because immediate recurrence
of the disease is likely. It can be possible also that ozone obtains a complete
healing of herpes simplex blepharitis without recurrence after therapy but it
is necessary to have a longer follow-up time. There is a need for a long term
follow-up or a cohort study to determine whether these findings are on short
term or long term basis.
1. Regional oxygenation in the treatment of patients with blephatritis is fast
and efficient.
2. Superficial, intermittent ozone therapy in the treatment of viral
blepharitis is painless and does not give any complications.
3. Ozone therapy should be considered as a supportive treatment in the therapy
of blepharitis with complex etiology (bacterial, viral, fungal).
4. Ozone can be effectively used as a monotherapy in the superficial
inflammation, especially viral.
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Adres do korespondencji/ Reprint requests to:
dr hab. n. med. Lidia Puchalska-Niedbał (e-mail: lidianiedbal@tlen.pl)
Katedra i Klinika Okulistyki PUM
al. Powstańców Wielkopolskich 72, 70-111 Szczecin, Poland
Fig. 1. First case – condition before treatment. Redness, a
small bullous eruptions of both eyelids of the right eye.
Ryc. 1. Przypadek pierwszy – stan przed wdrożeniem leczenia. Zaczerwienienie,
małe pęcherzowe wykwity na obu powiekach oka prawego.
Fig. 2. Second case – prior eye treatment. Skin with small
vesicular eruptions.
Ryc. 2. Drugi przypadek – stan przed leczeniem oczu. Skóra z małymi
pęcherzykowatymi wykwitami.
Fig. 3. The method of applying ozone with the glass-probe on
the skin surface.
Ryc. 3. Metoda przykładania szklanej sondy z ozonem na skórę powiek.
Fig. 4. First case – condition after three sessions with
ozone therapy. No inflammatory lesions.
Ryc. 4. Przypadek pierwszy – stan po trzech aplikacjach terapii ozonowej. Brak
zmian zapalnych.