Wydanie 4/2013
str. 33
Inwolucyjne podwinięcie powieki dolnej – kwalifikacja i leczenie metodami Jonesa, Wiesa i Quickerta
Repair of Involutional Lower Lid Entropion with Jones, Wies and Ouickert Procedures
Beata Pawlik, Radosław Różycki, Rafał Pawlik, Marek Rękas
Klinika Okulistyczna Wojskowego Instytutu Medycznego w Warszawie
Kierownik: płk dr hab. n. med. Marek Rękas, prof. WIM
Summary: Aim: Early results of effectiveness Jones, Ouickert and Wies procedures performed for involutional lower lid entropion.
Material and methods: Material which served for analysis included 34 patients, 36 eyelids altogether. We did a standard preoperative anterior segment evaluation and lower lid assessment in all lower lid entropion patients. We routinely measure horizontal lid laxity because it has determined choice of the surgical procedure. 23 white females and 11 white males were included. Jones operation was performed on 24 eyelids, Quickert on 10 eyelids, Wies on 2 eyelids. During the 12 month follow-up we assessed structural improvement and normal eyelid position, which was defined as surgery success, recurrence malposition of the eyelid, dysfunction of conjunctiva and cornea.
Results: A cure after surgery was achieved in 79.2% in Jones procedure, 100% in Quickert procedure, 50% in Wies procedure. Anatomic recurrences were detected in 6 eyelid (16.7%) when horizontal eyelid shortenig was not performed. We have reached a significant improvement concerning corneal and conjunctival surface.
Conclusions: Recurrent malposition of the eyelid was significantly more frequent when horizontal eyelid shortening was not included during primary repair or during reoperation. The exact evaluation of those procedures effectiveness needs to be confirmed in medium-and long-term observations on a larger number of patients.
Słowa kluczowe: inwolucyjne podwinięcie powieki dolnej, poziome rozluźnienie powieki, metody leczenia chirurgicznego.
Keywords: involutional lower lid entropion, horizontal lid laxity, surgical procedure.