Wydanie 2/2005
Wpływ wybranych czynników na wyniki leczenia operacyjnego zezów rozbieżnych u młodzieży i dorosłych
The Influence of Selected Factors on Outcome of Divergent Strabismus Surgery in Adolescents and Adults
Olimpia Nowakowska, Anna Broniarczyk-Loba
Klinika Chorób Oczu Uniwersytetu Medycznego Przykliniczna Poradnia Leczenia Zeza Uniwersyteckiego Szpitala Klinicznego nr 1 im. N. Barlickiego w Łodzi Kierownik: dr hab. med. Wojciech Omulecki
Summary: Purpose: To evaluate factors affecting the results of divergent strabismus surgery. Material: The analysis included 83 persons with divergent strabismus, 14 years old and older. Twenty patients had intermittent primary strabismus, 32 ? constant primary strabismus, 23 ? consecutive strabismus and 8 had sensorial strabismus. Method: The following examinations were performed: visual acuity, strabismus angle before and after surgery, eye movements, convergence, binocularity by Sobański, Bagolini, TNO, Worth and Titmus tests and with synoptofore. Results and conclusions: The recovery after divergent strabismus surgery is affected by: the age of strabismus appearance, the level of amblyopia, binocular vision status, kind of strabismus, size of the angle, convergence and the position of eyes immediately after operation.
Keywords: divergent strabismus, strabismus surgery.