Wydanie 2/2005
Zastosowanie toksyny botulinowej typu A w leczeniu porażenia nerwu odwodzącego
Botulinum Toxin A Use in the Treatment of Abducent Nerve Palsy
Grzegorz Pojda, Aneta Adamczyk-Ludyga, Edward Wylęgała
Z Oddziału Okulistycznego Okręgowego Szpitala Kolejowego w Katowicach Ordynator: dr hab. n. med. Edward Wylęgała
Summary: Purpose: To evaluate the results of treatment of nerve VI palsy with botulinum toxin A. Material and methods: 15 patients were treated for n. VI palsy with intramuscular injections of botulinum toxin A. Results: The biggest reduction of the squint angle was obtained in patients with acquired nerve VI palsy except in postneurosurgical patients. Worse results were achieved in patients with congenital etiology of disease as well. The squint angle returned to its initial value in 6 months. However, the short-term effect achieved may improve the comfort of the patient?s life and be useful in preparing the right conditions for future surgery. Conclusions: Botulinum toxin A may be useful in the treatment of certain types of n. VI palsy.
Keywords: Botulinum toxin A, nerve VI palsy, abducent nerve palsy, treatment.