Wydanie 2/2017
str. 14 - 19

Platforma Badań Zmysłów jako narzędzie do wykrywania krótkowzroczności – analiza wiarygodności wyników badań z zastosowaniem Platformy Badań Zmysłów przeprowadzonych z udziałem około 1000 osób

Sense Examination Platform as a Tool to Detect Myopia – Evaluation of Reliability Results Achieved with Sense Examination Platform in Group of Nearly 1000 Patients

Ewa Langwińska-Wośko 1,2 , Monika Gałecka-Łazicka 1,2 , Ksawery Czubkowski 2 , Ewa Strzemecka 1,2 , Jerzy Szaflik 2 , Zbigniew Wawrzyniak 3 , Anna Zaleska-Żmijewska 1,2

1 Katedra i Klinika Okulistyki II Wydziału Lekarskiego Warszawskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego
Kierownik Kliniki: prof. dr hab. n. med. Jacek P. Szaflik
2 Samodzielny Publiczny Kliniczny Szpital Okulistyczny w Warszawie
3 Wydział Elektroniki i Technik Informacyjnych Politechniki Warszawskiej

Summary: Aim: To evaluate the efficacy of sense examination platform (PBZ) to diagnose myopia. Material and Methods: The screening was performed in Ophthalmic Teaching Hospital in Warsaw. 970 patients were evaluated. The analysis of the results of screening was performed for 2 different groups. Group 1 consisted of 704 children, group 2 consisted of 266 adults. All patients underwent the following examination: sense examination platform screening (incl. contrast sensitivity, color vision test and stereoscopic vision test) followed by full ophthalmic assessment by experienced ophthalmologists. Statistical measurements were used to assess sensitivity and specificity of sense examination platform to diagnose refractive errors, especially myopia in both groups – children and adults. Results: Statistical analysis revealed 74.3% sensitivity and 65.0% specificity of sense examination platform in myopia detection. Sense examination platform is less useful to diagnose hyperopia with the sensitivity of 46.2% and specificity of 65.0%, both of which decreases with patients age. In children the relatively high 74.3% sensitivity was noticed, achieving almost 90.0% in the youngest children group. In the contrary, the aforementioned parameter was only 37.9% in the eldest adults group. Conclusions: Sense examination platform can be a useful tool in myopia detection especially in children with decreased contrast sensitivity.

Słowa kluczowe: platforma badania zmysłów, badania przesiewowe wzroku, krótkowzroczność, poczucie kontrastu.

Keywords: Sense examination platform, screening vision test, myopia, contrast sensitivity.
