Wydanie 3/2005
Korelacja obrazu klinicznego z zaburzeniami parametrów przepływu krwi w tętnicy środkowej siatkówki u pacjentów z druzami tarczy nerwu wzrokowego
Correlation between Clinical Features and Disturbances in the Central Retinal Artery Blood Flow Parameters in Patients with Optic Disc Drusen
Iwona Obuchowska, Andrzej Ustymowicz, Zofia Mariak Klinika Okulistyki Akademii Medycznej w Białymstoku Kierownik: dr hab. n. med. Zofia Mariak Zakład Radiologii Akademii Medycznej w Białymstoku Kierownik: prof. dr hab. n. med. Jerzy Walecki
Summary: Purpose: The aim of our study was to evaluate the correlation between clinical features and changes in parameters of the blood flow in ocular vessels in patients with optic disc drusen. Materials and methods: 12 patients (7 women and 5 men) with optic disc drusen were enclosed in the study. Apart from the conventional ophthalmologic examination, a static perimetry and visual evoked potentials (VEP) were performed as well as ultrasound examination in A and B projection and Color Doppler sonography of the ocular vessels. Results: Optic disc drusen were bilateral in 9 patients and in 3 others - only in right eye. 10 eyes, among 21 eyes with drusen, were hypermetropic. In 3 patients there was significant decrease in visual acuity in one eye. 10 patients (83.3%) had visual field defects and in 6 of them we found changes in VEP, including delay in implicit time and reduction in peak-to-peak amplitude of P100 wave. In 6 patients there was also decrease in peak systolic blood flow in the central retinal artery. Conclusions: There was a correlation between disturbances in blood flow in the central retinal artery and the drusen size, refractive error, VEP changes as well as visual field defects.