Wydanie 3/2005
Zaburzenie akomodacji jako przyczyna bólów głowy - doniesienie wstępne
Accommodation Disturbance as a Cause of Headaches - Preliminary Report
Lidia Puchalska-Niedbał, Teresa Baranowska-George
Katedra i Klinika Okulistyki Pomorskiej Akademii Medycznej w Szczecinie Kierownik: prof. dr hab. med. Danuta Karczewicz
Summary: Purpose: We have to
pay attention to the accommodation dysfunction as a
cause of headache in young people.
Methods: 7 patients aged 11-18 years came to the
emergency unit with headache. They were examined by few
ophthalmologists and neurologists without finding any
cause of headache.
In all 7 patients accommodation dysfunction was found.
We treated patients with Vit. B1 and exercises with
-3.0D eyeglass to near distance.
Results: Headache disappeared in all patients
after treatment with Vit. B1 iontophoresis.
1. It is necessary to check accommodation in all
patients complaining of headache.
2. Accommodative improvement is not permanent and
require periodical repeating of Vit. B1 and exercises
with -3.0D.
Keywords: headache, accommodation disturbances.