Wydanie 3/2005
Rola biomikroskopii ultrasonograficznej w diagnostyce i leczeniu hipotonii wewnątrzgałkowej
Ultrasound Biomicroscopy Role in Diagnostics and Management of Ocular Hypotony
Bartosz Fabijańczyk1, Ronald Hagadus2
1Oddział Okulistyki Wojewódzkiego Szpitala
Specjalistycznego w Zgierzu (filia Kliniki Okulistyki Instytutu
Zdrowia Matki Polki w Łodzi)
Ordynator: dr med. Adam Jarmak
2The New York Eye & Ear Infirmary, Department of
Ophthalmology, New York Medical College
Kierownik: Joseph B. Walsh, MD, FACS, FRCOphth
Summary: Ocular hypotony is a commonly seen condition, especially after surgical procedures or ocular trauma. Surgical wound leakage, full thickness laceration of the globe, cyclodialysis, iridocyclitis, cyclitic fibrous membranes and retinal ablation are some of the underlying causes. Ultrasound biomicroscopy allows a detailed assessment of the anterior relations of the anterior segment of the eye and is therefore useful in diagnosing patients with this condition. This review paper shows the application of this diagnostic technique in patients with ocular hypotony.
Keywords: intraocular hypotony, ultrasound biomicroscopy.