Wydanie 2/2006
Porównanie wyników pomiarów centralnej grubości rogówki uzyskanych metodą optyczną oraz za pomocą pachymetrii ultradźwiękowej
Comparison of Central Corneal Thickness Measurement Results Obtained by Means of Optical and Ultrasonic Methods
Małgorzata Rebkowska-Juraszek2, Edward Wylęgała1,2, Anna Woyna-Orlewicz2, Sławomir Teper2
1Zakład Pielęgniarstwa i Społecznych Problemów
Wydział Opieki Zdrowotnej Śląskiej Akademii Medycznej w
Kierownik: dr hab. n. med. Edward Wylęgała
2Oddział Okulistyki Okręgowego Szpitala Kolejowego w
Ordynator: dr hab. n. med. Edward Wylęgała
Summary: Purpose: To compare
central corneal thickness (CCT) measurement results
obtained by means of optical and ultrasonic methods.
Setting: Department of Ophthalmology, District Railway
Hospital in Katowice, Poland
Methods: CCT measurement was performed in 35 eyes
(18 patients). All patients undergone exams with use of
an ultrasonic pachymeter – Pocket II (Quantel Medical),
a specular microscope – Topcon SP-2000P (Topcon America
Corporation) and an optical coherence tomography (OCT)
system – Visante OCT (Carl Zeiss Meditec). All exams
were carried out 3 times during the same visit, by one
Results: Mean CCT was 535.72 µm ±23.36 (SD)
Visante OCT, 538.42 µm ± 25.27 (SD) with the ultrasonic
device and 522.28 µm ± 23.37 (SD) with the specular
microscope. Visante OCT had the highest reproducibility
– mean difference between measurements was 3 microns.
The difference between results obtained by means of OCT/USG
and spectral microscopy was statistically significant
Conclusions: Visante OCT seems to be a very
reliable device to measure CCT, especially as obtained
results are only very slightly influenced by an
Keywords: Central corneal thickness, ultrasonic pachymetry, specular microscopy, Visante OCT.