Wydanie 4/2006
Możliwości rekonstrukcji powieki dolnej w całkowitym jej ubytku spowodowanym chirurgicznym leczeniem zmian nowotworowych
Possibilities of the Lower Eyelid Full-Thickness Reconstruction in Case of a Total Defect Due to the Surgical Treatment of the Malignant Lesions
Mariusz Kęcik
Katedra i Klinika Okulistyki I Wydziału Lekarskiego Akademii Medycznej w Warszawie Kierownik: prof. nadzw. dr hab. n. med. Dariusz Kęcik
Summary: Full-thickness reconstruction of the lower eyelid defects is a challenging surgery. The surgical goals to be achieved are following: reconstruction of the missing structures (skin, muscle, tarsus, conjunctiva), good functional and aesthetic reconstruction, postoperative ectropion avoidance, low donor site morbidity, reconstructed eyelid contoured to the globe. Author presents advantages and disadvantages of the variety methods used for reconstruction in full ? thickness lower eyelid defects.
Keywords: full-thickness lower eyelid defect, eyelid reconstruction.