Wydanie 4/2006
Obuoczna rozsiana proliferacja melanocytów błony naczyniowej - opis przypadku
Bilateral Diffuse Uveal Melanocytic Proliferation - Case Report
Elżbieta Sędrowicz1, Maria A. Paćkowska1, Ewa Dróbecka-Brydak1, Izabella Skórska2
1 Katedra i Klinika Okulistyki Wydziału Lekarskiego
Akademii Medycznej w Warszawie
Kierownik: prof. nadzw. dr hab. n. med. Dariusz Kęcik
2 Oddział Okulistyczny Wojewódzkiego Szpitala
Bródnowskiego w Warszawie
Ordynator: dr n. med. Izabella Skórska
Summary: Purpose: The aim of
this report is to present ocular condition associated
with systemic malignancy – bilateral diffuse uveal
melanocytic proliferation (BDUMP).
Material: A 70 years old female patient was
diagnosed due to the poor vision in the right eye, which
lasted 6 months and mild blurred vision in the left eye.
2 years previously she underwent radiotherapy due to the
lung cancer and bilateral cataract surgery. Based on
complete ophthalmic examination, ultrasound, fluorescein
angiography, indocyanine green angiography a diagnosis
of BDUMP was made. An oncological examination showed
regression of the lung cancer. The patient was treated
with steroids for 2 months. Follow-up time was 10 months.
Follow-up examination revealed only temporary
improvement of visual acuity then exacerbation of the
ocular lesions in both eyes.
Conclusion: BDUMP is accompanied by systemic
malignancy. The rareness of the conditions makes the
recognition difficult.
Keywords: paraneoplastic syndrome, bilateral diffuse uveal melanocytic proliferation (BDUMP).