Wydanie 3/2007
Układ naczyniowy tylnego odcinka błony naczyniowej u ludzi zdrowych i chorych
Vascular System of the Posterior Part of the Choroid in Healthy and Sick Individuals
Marta Misiuk-Hojło1, Dorota Szumny2
1Katedra i Klinika Okulistyki Akademii Medycznej we
Kierownik: dr hab. n. med. Marta Misiuk-Hojło
2Katedra i Zakład Farmakologii Akademii Medycznej we
Kierownik: prof. dr hab. Adam Szeląg
Summary: Choriocapillaris is lying in unique place- just behind Bruch?s membrane and retinal pigment epithelial cells. In health and disease they are engaged not only in choroidal but also retinal processes. Researchers found out a method to mark an endogeneous alkaline phosphatase in choroideal endothelium cells, that helps to demonstrate choroidal vascular system with the surrounding tissues. This method became important to evaluate choroid vascular changes in diabetes and age-related macular degeneration. In these diseases vascular system failure leads to tissue hypoxia and in consequence to damage and proliferation of vessels. Damaged or abnormal functioning choroid vessels do not have endogenous alkaline phosphatase activity but in choroidal neovascularization this activity is higher.
Keywords: choroidea, choriocapillaris, age-related macular degeneration, diabetes