Wydanie 4/2007
str. 53
Przyczyny występowania zaćmy wikłającej a powikłania śród- i pooperacyjne w materiale własnym kliniki
Causes of the Complicated Cataract Occurrence and Intra- and Postoperative Complications in Own Material
Anna Kamińska, Justyna Izdebska, Joanna Jędrzejczak-Młodziejewska, Dorota Mierzejewska
Katedra i Klinika Okulistyki II Wydziału Lekarskiego Akademii Medycznej w Warszawie Samodzielny Publiczny Kliniczny Szpital Okulistyczny w Warszawie Kierownik: prof. dr hab. n. med. Jerzy Szaflik
Summary: Purpose: The aim of this study is a retrospective evaluation of intra- and early post-operative complications in patients with complicated cataract depending on the following factors: cataract etiology, coexistent diseases and additional procedures during the surgery (trabeculectomy and iridectomy). Results: The majority of postsurgical complications was transient. They were more common after phacotrabeculectomy. The most common complication was anterior chamber infiltration. Peripupilar membrane, corneal oedema, shallow anterior chamber, post-surgical hypotony were most common in eyes with primary angle-closure glaucoma or secondary glaucoma. Transient post-surgical IOP rise was present in 20% of cases. Application of additional procedures during the surgeries didn?t have significant impact on the early local complications occurrence.