Wydanie 4/2007
str. 73
Morfologia przedniej torebki soczewki po kapsuloreksji
Cataract Lens Anterior Capsule Morphology after Capsulorhexis Procedure
Piotr Skopiński1,2, Ewa Langwińska-Wośko1, Zbigniew Kiciak1, Magdalena Korwin-Rujna1
1Katedra i Klinika Okulistyki II Wydziału Lekarskiego
Akademii Medycznej w Warszawie
Kierownik: prof. dr hab. n. med. Jerzy Szaflik
Samodzielny Publiczny Kliniczny Szpital Okulistyczny w Warszawie
2Zakład Histologii i Embriologii Instytutu
Biostruktury Akademii Medycznej w Warszawie
Kierownik: prof. dr hab. n. med. Stanisław Moskalewski
Summary: The paper describes
microscopic and submicroscopic structure of the cataract
lens anterior capsule obtained during capsulorexis
procedure. Thickness and spatial architecture of the
lenticular collagen fibers according to the patient’s
age, cataract type and general diseases were evaluated.
Purpose: The purpose of the study was evaluation
of thickness and spatial architecture of the lenticular
collagen fibers according to the patient’s age, cataract
type and general diseases, especially diabetes mellitus.
Material and Methods: The paper describes
microscopic and submicroscopic structure of the cataract
lens anterior capsule obtained during capsulorhexis
procedure performed in the Department of Ophthalmology
Medical University of Warsaw. 36 cataract lens anterior
capsules were obtained during capsulorhexis procedure.
Anterior capsules were studied in light and transmission
electron microscope after fixation in glutaraldehyde,
lavaging in phosphate buffer solution, dehydration in
acetone and ethanol solutions and placing in epoxide
Results: Light microscope: In the studied
capsules, in all cases, single-layer cuboidal lenticular
epithelium underlying homogenous lenticular capsule was
observed. Differences in epithelium and capsule
morphology in cases associated with systemic diseases
especially diabetes mellitus and the control were not
observed. Electron microscope: Following epithelium
cells morphology changes were observed: mitochondria
vacuolization and swelling, numerous vacuoles in the
peribasal cells part on the margin with lens capsule,
single epithelium cells necrosis. Lens capsules are made
of homogenous collagen membrane, which does not differ
in individual cases.
Conclusions: In studied cases anterior capsule
thickness was directly proportional to patients age.
Some systemic diseases incidence may influence on an
anterior capsule thickness (capsule is thinner in
patients with systemic, especially metabolic diseases).
Relationship between lenticular capsule thickness and
gender was not stated.
Keywords: cataract, capsulorexis, anterior capsule thickness, transmission electron microscope, light microscope.