Wydanie 4/2011
str. 13
Potencjały oscylacyjne w elektroretinograficznej ocenie zmian funkcji siatkówki w efekcie zwiększania intensywności wysiłku fizycznego
Effect of Physical Exercise with Increasing Intensity on Electroretinographic Oscillatory Potentials
Teresa Zwierko1, Wojciech Lubiński2, Damian Czepita2
1 Wydział Kultury Fizycznej i Promocji Zdrowia Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
Kierownik: prof. dr hab. Wiesław Osiński
2 Katedra i Klinika Okulistyki Pomorskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Szczecinie
Kierownik: dr hab. n. med. Wojciech Lubiński, prof. nadzw. PUM, FEBO
Summary: Purpose: An evaluation of the effect of physical exercise with increasing intensity on scotopic oscillatory potentials (OPs) of the electroretinogram in healthy subjects (n = 20).
Material and Methods: Twenty young healthy men participated in the study. Participants performed three 10-min tests of increasing intensity on a cycle ergometer. Each participant was assigned individual workloads below the lactate threshold (40% VO2max), at the lactate threshold (60% VO2max), and above the lactate threshold (80% VO2max). Five recordings of the OPs amplitude and implicit time were measured: pre-exercise, immediately after each of the three subsequent tests and in control condition.
Results: With increasing intensity of exercise the gradual reduction in amplitude of OP1, OP3 and OP4 was noted. The greatest amplitude decrease (p<0.01) in OP4 after the third effort test (80% VO2max) was observed. After subsequent efforts no changes of the OPs implicit time were recorded.
Conclusion: The application of scotopic oscillatory potentials may be used as neurophysiological criteria in defining the cardiovascular status during exercise. Exercise- induced fatigue should be taking into account in analysis of the electrophysiological test results.
Słowa kluczowe: elektroretinogram, wysiłek fizyczny, próg mleczanowy.
Keywords: electroretinogram, exercise, lactate threshold.