Wydanie 2/2009
str. 121

Wpływ zmian geometrii rogówki oka u pacjentów z krótkowzrocznością po zabiegu LASIK na tonometryczny pomiar ciśnienia wewnątrzgałkowego

Effect of Geometrical Changes in Cornea on Tonometrical Intraocular Pressure Measurement in Patients with Myopia after LASIK

Elżbieta Szul-Pietrzak, Andrzej Hachoł, Ewa Pelczar

Instytut Inżynierii Biomedycznej i Pomiarowej Politechniki Wrocławskiej Dyrektor: prof. n. tech. dr hab. n. fiz. inż. lek. med. Halina Podbielska
NZOZ Eye Laser Center we Wrocławiu Kierownik: lek. med. Ewa Pelczar

Summary: Purpose: To assess the influence of the geometrical changes in corneal curvature on the intraocular pressure (IOP) measurement in patients with myopia after laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK).
Patients and Methods: 363 patients were investigated before and after LASIK procedures. In 725 eyes, IOP was measured using Goldmann applanation tonometer (GAT) and noncontact air tonometer (AP) which is commonly used in clinical practice. Intraocular pressure was measured in 725 eyes before and 6 weeks after LASIK. Corneal curvature was measured with the Humphrey Corneal Topography keratometer (from Zeiss), and central corneal thickness (CCT) with pachymeter SP-3000 (from Tomey). The database of patients was analyzed using Statistica 6.0 software.
Results: Statistical analysis showed statistically significant influence of the geometrical changes in corneal curvature after LASIK on IOP measured using GAT and AP. There were positive correlations between changes in intraocular pressure measurements (∆IOPGAT & ∆IOPAP) and changes in central corneal thickness (∆CCT) and radius of corneal curvature (∆R).
Conclusion: We showed that measured IOP value after the LASIK significantly differs from measured IOP value before LASIK. This difference depends not only on CCT changes but also on R changes.

Słowa kluczowe: ciśnienie wewnątrzgałkowe, LASIK, metody aplanacyjne, rogówka.

Keywords: intraocular pressure, LASIK, applanation methods, cornea.
