Wydanie 1/2011
str. 69

Jakość życia chorych na jaskrę

Quality of Life in Glaucoma Patients

Anna Wyszyńska, Agnieszka Kalinowska, Justyna Kłos-Rola, Tomasz Żarnowski

Katedra i Klinika Okulistyki Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Lublinie
Kierownik: dr hab. n. med., prof. ndzw. Tomasz Żarnowski

Summary: The evaluation of health-related quality of life (HRQOL) has become increasingly important as a part of comprehensive care protocols in the treatment of glaucoma patients. Accordingly, a number of instruments for assessing the impact of the disease on person’s well-being has been developed over the years. Currently, vision and glaucoma specific questionnaires appear to be more sensitive in detecting changes of HRQOL of glaucoma patients than any classic health-related tools.
Plethora of reasons results in lowered quality of life of glaucoma patients. It is already decreased at the time of diagnosis and deteriorates in parallel with disease progression (proportionally to visual field deficit). Central visual field loss has greater impact on HRQOL than peripheral defects. Moreover, topical glaucoma medications due to their common side effects such as burning, blurred vision and lacrimation may also result in poor treatment satisfaction. On the other hand, surgically treated persons report more local eye symptoms than those who are being treated medically. Aforementioned problems result in significantly impaired HRQOL which reflects in more frequent visits to the doctor‘s office and quite often in the higher incidence of depression.
Assessing the quality of life improves the understanding of the effects the disease exerts upon patient’s daily living. This may eventually improve the cooperation between the ophthalmologist and the patient and ultimately facilitate a proper choice of the treatment that is effective on one hand and easy to comply with on the other.

Słowa kluczowe: jakość życia, jaskra.

Keywords: quality of life, glaucoma.
