Wydanie 3/2011
str. 44
Ocena gęstości komórek śródbłonka (CD) i grubości rogówki (CCT) w zespole pseudoeksfoliacji (PEX) z zastosowaniem mikroskopii spekularnej
Evaluation of the Endothelial Cell Density (CD) and Central Corneal Thickness (CCT) in Pseudoexfoliation Syndrome (PEX) Using Specular Microscopy
Bożydar T. Tomaszewski, Renata Zalewska, Urszula Chomańska, Zofia Mariak, Nina Skowrońska
Klinika Okulistyki Uniwersyteckiego Szpitala Klinicznego w Białymstoku Kierownik: prof. dr hab. n. med. Zofia Mariak
Summary: Purpose: Evaluation of the central corneal thickness (CCT) and endothelial cell density (CD) in the eyes of patients with senile cataract associated with pseudoexfoliation (PEX) syndrome using specular microscopy.
Methods: 38 patients with senile cataract participated in the study. In this group of patients there were 36 eyes with PEX syndrome (28 with glaucoma, 8 without glaucoma), and 34 eyes without PEX syndrome, who served as a control group. CD and CCT were measured in each eye using specular microscopy.
Results: CD in eyes with PEX syndrome was statistically lower than in the control group (2267 ± 320 cell/mm2 vs 2566 ± 227 cell/mm2)
(p = 0.000028). CCT in eyes with PEX syndrome was thinner than in the control group (516 ± 39 μm vs 529 ± 26 μm) (p = 0.14) but did not reach statistical significance.
Conclusions: Using specular microscopy, a well established method to evaluate corneal parameters, both CD and CCT are lower in the eyes with PEX syndrome than in the control group. However, the difference in CD between the groups was statistically significant whereas the difference in CCT did not reach statistical significance.
Słowa kluczowe: śródbłonek rogówki, grubość rogówki, mikroskopia spekularna, zespół peseudoeksfoliacji, PEX.
Keywords: corneal endothelium, corneal thickness, specular microscopy, pseudoexfoliation syndrome, PEX.