Wydanie 2/2012
str. 23

Toksokaroza narządu wzroku

Ocular Toxocarosis

Piotr K. Borkowski1, Joanna Brydak-Godowska2

1 Klinika Chorób Odzwierzęcych i Tropikalnych I Wydziału Lekarskiego
Warszawskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego
P.o. kierownika: dr n. med. Maria Olszyńska-Krowicka
2 Katedra i Klinika Okulistyki I Wydziału Lekarskiego Warszawskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego
Kierownik: dr hab. n. med. Dariusz Kęcik, prof. nadzw. WUM

Summary: Poliethiological disease, probably third cause of posterior pole diseases. Granulomas are formed around larvae of round worms, which has similar live cycle to T. canis. Humans are accidental hosts, where parasite larvae can stay alive up to 9 years. Ocular form of the disease is associated with slight parasitemia, thus implicate low level or even absence of antibodies and low level of eosinophiles. Diagnosis should be based on findings and clinical picture. Most frequently disease affect children, almost always only one eye is involved. According to ophthalmology there are two main appearance of the disease; when granuloma is located in the posterior pole or in the periphery. Frequently granulomas are linked with proliferation to optic disc. But dut to its’ biology larvae can reach and affect any part of the eye. Ocular toxocariasis lesions can resemble some neoplastic tumors, so differential diagnosis should be performed. Pharmacological causative treatment easy kill parasites, and stop their movement, but it will not help with problems caused by changes which have been already done. Steroid treatment and surgical interventions are not contraindicated. There is no relapses after the treatment, but scars alone can produce some complications later. Only minority of cases will lost their antibodies after the treatment, so antibodies persistence have no clinical meaning in the future.

Słowa kluczowe: toksokaroza, ziarniniak, proliferacje, odczyny serologiczne, leczenie.

Keywords: toxocarosis, granuloma, proliferation, serological examination, treatment.
