Wydanie specjalne wrzesień 2012
str. 8
Kortykosteroidy w leczeniu nieinfekcyjnych zapaleń błony naczyniowej
Corticosteroid Therapy in Noninfectious Uveitis
Marta Misiuk-Hojło, Karolina Czajor
Katedra i Klinika Okulistyki Akademii Medycznej we Wrocławiu
Kierownik: prof. dr hab. n. med. Marta Misiuk-Hojło
Summary: Uveitis is a heterogeneous group of disorders with different etiology and dynamics. The aim of uveitis treatment is not only inflammation control but it also should lead to reduction of patient discomfort, deterioration of visual acuity, and other complications prevention, and quality of live improvement. The most common cause of visual loss in uveitis is central vision impairment due to cystoid macular edema. The mainstay of noninfectious uveitis therapy remains steroids. Common ocular side effects are intraocular pressure increase and cataract development. There are various routes of drug administration for the treatment of eye disorders: systemic (oral and intravenous) and local (drops, subconjunctival injections, periocular, subtenon, retrobulbar and intravitreal injections). Sustained-release intravitreal implants are the new way for steroids delivery. There are biodegradable Ozurdex containing dexamethason and nonbiodegradable Retisert which contains fluocinolone acetonide. The use of this drug delivery systems is associated with high risk of intraocular pressure increase and cataract development. Long-term disease control with simultaneous reduction of systemic side effects and the number of necessary intravitreal injections are the advantages of this therapy.
Further studies are required to confirm the efficacy and safety of the intravitreal implants and immunosuppressive/ immunomodulating drugs as a corticosteroid-sparing therapy and more effective treatment.
Słowa kluczowe: kortykosteroidy, zapalenia błony naczyniowej, triamcinolon, deksametazon, acetonid fluocynolonu, implant doszklistkowy.
Keywords: corticosteroids, uveitis, Triamcinolone, Dexamethasone, Fluocinolone acetonide, intravitreal implant.