Wydanie 4/2012
str. 26

Ocena wpływu wszczepienia sztucznej soczewki u dzieci operowanych z powodu zaćmy wrodzonej i rozwojowej na stan przedniego i tylnego odcinka gałki ocznej w obrazie optycznej koherentnej tomografii. Cz. I. Odcinek przedni – AS-OCT

The Effect of Artificial Intraocular Lens Implantation in Pediatric Patients Operated Due to Congenital and Developmental Cataract on Anterior and Posterior Segment of the Eye Using Optical Coherence Tomography. Part I. Anterior Segment – AS-OCT

Erita Filipek

Klinika Okulistyki Dziecięcej Katedry Okulistyki ¦l±skiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Katowicach Oddział Okulistyki Dziecięcej Samodzielnego Publicznego Szpitala Klinicznego Nr 5 ¦l±skiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Katowicach
Kierownik: prof. dr hab. n. med. Maria Formińska-Kapu¶cik

Summary: Purpose: To measure the anterior segment using optical coherence tomography in children with primary IOL implantation following congenital and developmental cataract surgery.
Material and Methods: 96 eyes of 62 patients (39 boys, 23 girls) at the age from 3 to 17 years (mean 9.1±3.1) were examined. Mean age at surgery was 5.7 years (±3.7), mean follow-up 6.5 years (±2.2). Group I comprised 34 children with bilateral IOL, group II 28 patients with unilateral IOL, group IV – 16 children (surgery at the age below 2 years). Control group IIa – 28 unoperated eyes from group II, group III consisted of 44 eyes of 30 healthy children (14 girls, 16 boys) at the age from 4.5 to 15.5 years (mean 9.3±2.6). All study participants underwent optical coherence tomography with Visante 1000 OCT (Carl Zeiss). Central corneal thickness (CCT), anterior chamber depth (ACD), chamber angle-to-angle distance (CAAD), iridocorneal angle size (IAS) were measured. The results were analyzed statistically; p(α) = 0.05.
Results: The following mean values were calculated based on OCT measurements:
group I – CCT 542±91 µm, ACD 3.84±0.52 mm, CAAD 12.13±0,53 mm; IAS at the nasal and temporal positions were 31.5±6.5° and 28.9±5.0°, respectively,
group II – CCT 540±41 µm, ACD 3.72±0.54 mm, CAAD12.40±0.52 mm; IAS at the nasal and temporal positions were 33.9±9.2° and 31.9±8.5°, respectively,
group IV – CCT 530±25 µm, ACD 3.51±0.50 mm, CAAD 12.19±0.72 mm; IAS at the nasal and temporal positions were 32.5±6.0° and 29.9±6.8°, respectively,
control group IIa – CCT 536±36 µm, ACD 3.13±0.26 mm, CAAD 12.50±0.61 mm; IAS at the nasal and temporal positions were 31.8±6.0° and 29.8±6.4°, respectively,
control group III – CCT 544±31 µm, ACD 3.03±0.23 mm, CAAD 12.49±0.41 mm; IAS at the nasal and temporal positions were 30.0±6.7° and 29.6±6.7°, respectively.
Statistical analysis revealed statistically significant increase in anterior chamber depth in groups I and II. Chamber angle-to-angle distance was significantly greater in group II and the control. Mean values of the remaining parameters did not differ significantly between the groups.
Conclusion: The present investigation has not demonstrated any disadvantageous effects of artificial IOL implantation on the anterior segment, the development of which proceeds as in healthy children.

Słowa kluczowe: pseudofakia, dzieci, optyczna koherentna tomografia przedniego odcinka (AS-OCT), biometria przedniego odcinka.

Keywords: pseudophakia, children, optical coherence tomography – anterior segment (AS-OCT), anterior segment biometry.
