Wydanie 4/2013
str. 7
Czerniak spojówki i rogówki – opis przypadku
Malignant Melanoma of the Conjunctiva and Cornea – Case Report
Weronika Pociej-Marciak, Anna Markiewicz, Anna Leśniak, Bożena Romanowska-Dixon
Katedra i Klinika Okulistyki i Onkologii Okulistycznej Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego Collegium Medicum w Krakowie
Kierownik: prof. dr hab. n. med. Bożena Romanowska-Dixon
Summary: Purpose: The authors present a patient with melanoma malignant of the conjunctiva and cornea, who was treated with excision and brachytherapy Ru-106.
Methods: A 54 years-old woman presented to our department with a diagnosis of the tumor in her left eye. After ophthalmological examination, the patient was diagnosed with melanoma malignant of the conjunctiva and cornea. The patient received surgical excision and after histopathological verification brachytherapy Ru-106 was used. The examination was repeated 4 months later. The front segment examination and Snellen best-corrected visual acuity were analyzed.
Results: Four months after treatment no recurrence was observed and distance best-corrected visual acuity improved from 0.2 to 1.0. No side effects after the therapy were observed.
Conclusions: The surgical excision of the tumor with eventual additional brachytherapy is an effective method of treating circumscribed malignant melanomas of the conjunctiva and cornea in the case of the presence of neoplasm cells in a deep cut line.
Słowa kluczowe: czerniak spojówki, czerniak rogówki.
Keywords: conjunctival malignant melanoma, corneal malignant melanoma.