Wydanie 1/2014
str. 40
Nieurazowe perforacje rogówki – diagnostyka i postępowanie terapeutyczne
Nontraumatic Corneal Perforations – Diagnosis and Therapeutic Proceedings
Anna Kuna, Agnieszka Ćwiklińska, Dominika Wróbel-Dudzińska, Ewelina Pyszniak, Tomasz Żarnowski
Katedra Okulistyki Klinika Diagnostyki i Mikrochirurgii Jaskry Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Lublinie
Kierownik Kliniki: prof. dr hab. n. med. Tomasz Żarnowski
Summary: Perforation of the cornea is one of the most well-known corneal pathologies, classified as the ophthalmic emergencies. Eyes with perforations require rapid diagnosis and immediate treatment to prevent intraocular inflammation, secondary glaucoma or tissue prolapse and consequently irreversible vision loss. Factors leading to corneal perforation are infectious agents, inflammation, traumas as well as dry eye syndrome occuring in autoimmune diseases. Furthermore the main cause of corneal complications including autoimmune diseases perforations are deficient tear film cytokines. On the other hand, the common signs of corneal perforation is flat anterior chamber of the eye, a positive Seidel test and iris prolapse. It is worth pointing out that the treatment of corneal perforation depends on many factors ncluding perforation extent, coexisting eyeball diseases and general condition including patient's age. Medical and/or surgical therapy can be introduced. Topical application of serum drops, artificial tears without preservatives, antibiotics as well as cycloplegic drugs or drugs decreasing aqueous humor production shuld be considered. Aggressive treatment of underlying disease is crucial. A bandage contact lens might be applied. Methods of surgical treatment include: lacrimal points occlusion, tissue adhesives, amniotic membrane transplantation, full-thickness or lamellar corneal transplantation and palpebral fissure closure, if needed.
Słowa kluczowe: perforacja rogówki.
Keywords: corneal perforation.