Wydanie 3/2014
str. 64

Ocena leczenia tępych urazów gałki ocznej

Evaluation of the Ocular Blunt Trauma Treatment

Aleksandra Pośpiech-Żabierek, Magdalena Kucharczyk, Wojciech Omulecki, Michał Wilczyński

Klinika Chorób Oczu I Katedry Chorób Oczu Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi
Kierownik: prof. dr hab. n. med. Wojciech Omulecki

Summary: Purpose: Retrospective analysis of causes of ocular blunt trauma, as well as the diagnostic methods and treatment results.
Material and Methods:: The material of this study contained informations from medical records of all consecutive patients admitted to our department of ophthalmology due to the blunt ocular trauma between 2010–2013. We analyzed the following data contained in 30 medical histories: clinical diagnosis, gender, age, best corrected visual acuity and intraocular pressure at admission to the hospital and at discharge, the cause of trauma, clinical conditions of ocular structures on admission and on the discharge day, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, as well as complications and coexisting injuries.
Results: The age of patients ranged from 18 to 89 years (mean age 44 ± 20 years). Men suffered from blunt trauma 2.75 times more frequently than women. Injuries occurred more frequently in residents of big cities. Accidents resulting in ocular blunt trauma happened most frequently during sport activities, wood chopping and as a result of assault.
At discharge 70% of patients had an improvement of visual acuity. 90% of patients were discharged from the department with normalized intraocular pressure.
The most common abnormalities of the eye surface were: irritation or congestion of conjunctiva and corneal erosion. The most common abnormality within the anterior chamber was hyphema and the most common complication concerning the retina was its detachment.
Ultrasound of the eye was the most common diagnostic procedure performed in ocular blunt trauma. 27% of patients required surgical treatment.
Conclusions: Men predominate among patients with ocular blunt trauma. Accidents resulting ocular blunt trauma happened most often during sport activities, wood chopping and as a result of assault. Blunt ocular trauma is most often associated with good prognosis. Ocular changes are often reversible and rarely result in loss of vision. In most cases noninvasive medical treatment is sufficient.

Słowa kluczowe: tępy uraz gałki ocznej, epidemiologia, leczenie.

Keywords: ocular blunt trauma, epidemiology, treatment.
