Wydanie 3/2015
str. 122

Nowa soczewka hybrydowa EyeBrid Silicone – nowe bardziej komfortowe rozwiązanie korekcji także w skomplikowanych przypadkach nieregularnej rogówki np. stożka rogówki

EyeBrid Silicone – New Hybrid Lens – New More Comfortable Solution for Your Patients also in Correction of Complicated Cases of Irregular Corneas Like Keratoconus

Emmanuel Veillard1, Piotr Szymanek2, Katarzyna Szymanek2,3

1 EyeBrid-Inside, Caen, Francja, emmanuel.veillard@eyebrid-inside.com
2 ACL-VISION Specjalistyczne Ambulatorium Okulistyczne, Niepubliczny Zakład Opieki Zdrowotnej w Warszawie
3Samodzielny Publiczny Kliniczny Szpital Okulistyczny w Warszawie

Summary: Purpose: Increasing the comfort in contact lenses using a hybrid lens healthy and easy to fit: EyeBrid Silicone. Material and Methods: A multi-center study involving 16 ophthalmologists trying to fit 156 patients with a 3 months follow-up in 2014. 73.2% of those patients were already contact lens wearers, and 26.9% new wearers. The practitioner and the patient had to score (on a scale between 0 to 5) different items like comfort throughout the day, quality of the vision. Results:The mean of the global satisfaction score was 4.0 on 5 and a global success of 75% for the “refit” population, and 58% for the “new wearers” population. In the same time ophthalmologist involved in the study had expressed very simply fitting process, especially for the “refit” population”. The patients have to be well chosen, and especially, the proper indication is when patients are complaining with discomfort. The indications for fitting the EyeBrid Silicone lens are: fitting failure in RGP’s, all the irregular indications like keratoconus or post graft, high ammetropias, unilateral wear, piggy-back. Conclusion: EyeBrid Silicone lens is a very interesting option in order to improve the comfort of the rigid gas permeable lenses. With such a lens, the practitioner is now able to afford better vision and better comfort for all the needs, even for all the complex cases. The patients understand easily the concept of hybrid lenses, and are very pro-active in wearing such lenses. Hybrid lenses are the future new range of lenses that the practitioners will be able to fit.

Słowa kluczowe: soczewki hybrydowe, komfort noszenia soczewek kontaktowych, stożek rogówki, dyskomfort użytkowników sztywnych soczewek kontaktowych – RGP, rozwiązywanie problemów związanych ze stosowaniem sztywnych soczewek kontaktowych – RGP.

Keywords: hybrid lenses, contact lens comfort, keratoconus, RGP discomfort, RGP problems solutions.
