Wydanie 4/2015
str. 68
Anomalie narządu wzroku u dziecka z zespołem wad wrodzonych – opis przypadku
Ocular Abnormalities in Child with Multiorgans Failures – Case Report
Marta Kierznowska, Ewelina Lachowicz, Monika Modrzejewska
Katedra i Klinika Okulistyki Pomorskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Szczecinie
Kierownik: prof. dr hab. n. med., FEBO Wojciech Lubiński
Samodzielny Publiczny Szpital Kliniczny nr 2 w Szczecinie
Summary: The aim of the study is to present the extremely rare case of multiorgans failures in three months old child with proven numerous ocular anomalies such as hypertelorism, microphthalmos, corneal dysgenesis, persistent pupillary membrane, colobomas of the iris and choroid, cataract and congenital glaucoma. Laboratory tests performed after the child’s birth showed that there exist the terminal duplication on the 13. chromosom (13q31.1-q34), Klinefelter syndrome (47, XXY) as well as positive anti-cytomegalovirus and anti- toxoplasmosis IgG antibody levels. Evaluation of risk factors showed longlasting exposure during pregnancy to harmful chemical substances. Detailed diagnostics revealed not only heart failure, but also ears structure disorders as well as defects of the nervous system, bones and muscles, which all create the need of the constant, multidisciplinary child`s care.
Słowa kluczowe: wrodzone wady gałki ocznej, abberacja chromosomowa, terminalna duplikacja w chromosomie 13. pary, wady rozwojowe wielonarządowe.
Keywords: congenital eye abnormalities, chromosomal aberration, terminal duplication on the 13. chromosom, multiorgan developmental anomalies.