Wydanie 1/2016
str. 33 - 36
Substancje pomocnicze zawarte w kroplach do oczu
The Pharmaceutical Excipients Commonly Used in Eye Drops
Piotr Maciejewicz, Dorota Kopacz
Klinika Okulistyki I Wydziału Lekarskiego Warszawskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego
Kierownik: prof. dr hab. n. med. Dariusz Kęcik
Summary: Glaucoma therapy involves long-term, or even lifelong, ocular hypotensive medications. Topical instillation of eye drops from the bottle is the most common ophthalmic drug delivery form. The repetitious use of eye drops which is necessary to treat glaucoma has been linked to unwanted side effects. Preservatives in ophthalmic solutions can induce cytotoxic responses and allergic reactions. Even the small concentration of excipients can have an accumulating contribution to ocular surface damage. Long-term use of eye drops can induce toxic histopatological changes to the ocular surface. Topical glaucoma treatment can be associated with adverse reactions generated by the frequent exposure to active ingredients and excipients. The excipients can alter the tolerability of drops. Herein, we provide an overview of the excipients in glaucoma eye drops.
Słowa kluczowe: jaskra, substancje pomocnicze, środki konserwujące, działanie uboczne.
Keywords: glaucoma, excipients, preservatives, adverse effects.