Wydanie 1/2016
str. 50 - 53
Złożone leki hipotonizujące w terapii jaskry otwartego kąta i nadciśnienia ocznego
Fixed-combination Therapy in Open Angle Glaucoma and Ocular Hypertension
Małgorzata Sagan, Andrzej Sawicki, Tomasz Żarnowski
Klinika Diagnostyki i Mikrochirurgii Jaskry Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Lublinie
Kierownik: dr hab. n. med. Tomasz Żarnowski, prof. UM w Lublinie
Summary: Glaucoma is optic neuropathy with ganglion cells damage and loss of visual field. Lowering intraocular pressure is the first goal of therapy in glaucoma. The first line treatment are topical hypotensive medications. Many patients require two medications to achieve target intraocular pressure. Fixed combination therapies, which are equivalent to the unfixed ones, provide many benefits. Advantages of these therapies include: eliminated washout effect, improved compliance and adherence, reduced exposure to preservatives, simplified treatment.
Słowa kluczowe: miejscowe leki hipotonizujące, leki złożone.
Keywords: topical glaucoma medications, fixed-combination therapy.