Wydanie 1/2016
str. 80 - 82
Postępowanie chirurgiczne w leczeniu urazów rogówki i twardówki
Surgical Management in Corneal and Scleral Lacerations
Dariusz Haszcz, Agnieszka Kalinowska, Emilia Bielecka, Katarzyna Nowomiejska, Robert Rejdak
Klinika Okulistyki Ogólnej Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Lublinie
Kierownik: prof. dr hab. n. med. Robert Rejdak
Summary: Open globe ocular injuries constitute a major cause of visual morbidity worldwide. The majority of these injuries occur in men younger than 30 years and have significant socioeconomic impact. Because of the heterogeneity of traumatic injuries, standardized terminology to describe traumatic eye injuries has been developed, and these terms were summarized as the Birmingham Eye Trauma Terminology. Several scoring systems have been devised to isolate factors at presentation predictive of poor prognosis. One widely used scoring system is the Ocular Trauma Score, it can provide valuable prognostic information, and its use may be an asset in counseling patients with open-globe injuries. The visual prognosis, especially for eyes with open-globe injury, is extremely guarded in part because of a high prevalence of posterior segment complications.
Słowa kluczowe: uraz gałki ocznej, otwarte urazy gałki ocznej, rana twardówki.
Keywords: ocular trauma, open globe injuries, corneal laceration, scleral laceration.