Wydanie 1/2017
str. 66 - 70

Zastosowanie kolorowego Dopplera do oceny ultrasonograficznej przepływów w naczyniach tętniczych gałki ocznej i rejonu pozagałkowego – technika, możliwości i ograniczenia. Doświadczenia własne

The Use of Colour Doppler Ultrasonography to Assess Flows in the Arterial Vessels in the Eyeball and Retrobulbar Space – Technique, Possibilities and Limitations. Own Experience

Arkadiusz Zegadło, Artur Maliborski

Zakład Radiologii Lekarskiej CSK MON Wojskowego Instytutu Medycznego w Warszawie
Kierownik: dr n. med. Artur Maliborski

Summary: Eye examination using ultrasound is a safe procedure that does not require any particular preparation. The use of the colour Doppler ultrasound is a valuable supplement to a standard ultrasound test. It allows for qualitative and quantitative noninvasive assessment of the blood flow in focal lesions and in arterial and vascular vessels in the retrobulbar area. The consistency and reliability of the test results are additional benefits of this procedure. The Colour Doppler test is the onlyin vivo and noninvasive blood flow measurement in retrobulbar capillaries. Abnormality of the blood flow is considered as one of the main risk factors causing conditions such as age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma or high myopia. This can lead to a necessity of a substantial use of the Doppler diagnostics for the assessment and monitoring of the effects of pharmacological treatment and the effects of surgical procedures performed to treat variety of conditions. The goal of this publication is to prove the validity of the Doppler test of ocular capillaries, based on the author’s own examinations, to explain the test methodology, precautions, the interpretation of rendered images as well as the limitations of the test.

Słowa kluczowe: kolorowa ultrasonografia dopplerowska, tętnice pozagałkowe, przepływ krwi w naczyniach gałki ocznej, badanie diagnostyczne.

Keywords: colour Doppler ultrasonography, retrobulbar arteries, ocular blood flow, diagnostic research.
