Wydanie 2/2017
str. 66 - 71
Epidemiologia urazów gałki ocznej w Polsce i na świecie – przegląd literatury
Epidemiology of Eye Injuries in Poland and Worldwide – Literature Review
Beata Gajda-Deryło, Dorota Borowicz, Edyta Koman, Jan Ostrowski, Katarzyna Nowomiejska, Robert Rejdak
Klinika Okulistyki Ogólnej Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Lublinie
Kierownik: prof. dr hab. n. med. Robert Rejdak
Summary: Eye injuries are an important health problem in Poland and worldwide. Approximately 2.4 million of eye injuries are recorded each year in the United States. Accidents at work, at home, during sports, and traffic accidents are the major causes of eye injuries in adults. In contrast, the majority of eyeball injuries in children occur at home (66%). According to the literature, eye injuries are an important cause of vision loss, ranked after cataracts and glaucoma. Eye injuries are probably the first cause of the one-eye blindness in the world.
Słowa kluczowe: uraz gałki ocznej, okulary ochronne, profilaktyka.
Keywords: eye injury, protect glasses, prophylaxis.