Wydanie 2/2017
str. 76 - 80
Występowanie zespołu pseudoeksfoliacji i jego wczesne objawy u pacjentów z grup podwyższonego ryzyka
The Pseudoexfoliation Syndrome Occurence of the and its Early Symptoms in the High-risk Group of Patients
Justyna Kaproń-¦wi¶, Dorota Pożarowska, Katarzyna Niezabitowska, Tomasz Żarnowski
Klinika Diagnostyki i Mikrochirurgii Jaskry Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Lublinie
Kierownik: prof. dr hab. n. med. Tomasz Żarnowski
Summary: In this article we describe a pseudoexfoliation syndrome as a systemic disease associated with age and sex, which is thought to be a type of elastosis. It causes an accumulation of abnormal deposits of a pathological material in tissues of the anterior segment of the eye as well as in other organs, for example: in the heart muscle, skin, lungs, blood vessels, kidneys, liver, urinary bladder and brain tires.
It is estimated, that the pseudoexfoliation syndrome occurs in 10–20% of the general population over 60 years and increases with age, that is why we tried to describe some particular ‘high risk’ groups. We have also presented the difference in the frequency of its incidence depending on the geographical region or lifestyle and exposed the most common theories on etiopathogenesis of the pseudoexfoliation syndrome.
We also illustrated characteristic symptoms of the pseudoexfoliation syndrome and presented the most important methods of early detection of the pseudoexfoliation syndrome.
Słowa kluczowe: zespół pseudoeksfoliacji (PEX), zespół rzekomego złuszczania.
Keywords: pseudoexfoliation syndrome (PEX), exfoliation syndrome.