Wydanie 1/2009
str. 37
Starzenie się a jaskra
Aging and Glaucoma
Joanna Wierzbowska, Andrzej Stankiewicz, Jacek Robaszkiewicz, Małgorzata Figurska
Klinika Okulistyczna Wojskowego Instytutu Medycznego w Warszawie Kierownik: prof. dr hab. n. med. Andrzej Stankiewicz
Summary: In a review the age-related changes of ocular tissues related to glaucomatous neuropathy: cornea, trabecular meshwork, ciliary muscle, retinal ganglion cells, optic nerve and vessels were presented. Some pathogenetic and biochemical aspects of aging process, like oxidative stress and advanced glycation were emphasized.
Słowa kluczowe: starzenie się, neuropatia jaskrowa, stres oksydacyjny
Keywords: aging, glaucomatous optic neuropathy, oxidative stress