Wydanie 1/2009
str. 75
Ocena przedniego odcinka oka w jaskrze za pomocą SL-OCT i UBM. Wskazania, korzyści i różnice - na podstawie własnych doświadczeń
Anterior Segment Evaluation in Glaucoma Using SL-OCT and UBM. Indications, Advantages and Differences - Based on Own Experience
Małgorzata Krajewska, Krystyna Czechowicz-Janicka
Instytut Jaskry i Chorób Oka w Warszawie Kierownik: prof. dr hab. n. med. Krystyna Czechowicz-Janicka
Summary: Ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM) is a high resolution ultrasound technique developed by Pavlin and co-authors in 1992. UBM uses high-frequency ultrasound for anterior segment imaging. It enables many disorders diagnosis including glaucoma, cysts and tumors of the ciliary body and iris, scleritis and episcleritis, posttraumatic lesions etc.
The slit-lamp optical coherence tomography (SL-OCT) is a new, non-contact diagnostic tool, enabling biometric and morphological anterior segment evaluation. Its’ operating principle is based on a fusion of the slit-lamp examination and optical coherence tomography, using the 1310 nm superluminescent diode laser beam. The main field of SL-OCT application is glaucoma diagnostics. It enables the non-invasive gonioscopy examination (including the functional angle evaluation in scotopic and photopic conditions), pachymetry, several anterior chamber measurements, determining iris configuration and evaluation of laser and surgical procedures efficacy in glaucoma.
Słowa kluczowe: optyczna koherentna tomografia SL-OCT, UBM, badanie nieinwazyjne
Keywords: slit-lamp optical coherence tomography, ultrasound biomicroscopy, non-invasive examination