Wydanie 3/2008
str. 39
Wszczepy oczodołowe w leczeniu poenuklacyjnego zespołu oczodołu
Orbital Implants in Postenucleation Socket Syndrome Treatment
Marek E. Prost
Klinika Okulistyczna Wojskowego Instytutu Medycyny Lotniczej w Warszawie Kierownik: prof. dr hab. n. med. Marek E. Prost
Summary: This review aims to describe anatomic orbital changes following enucleation without and with orbital implants, history of the orbital implants development, changes in the patterns of its use and current achievements in implants design and used materials. Long-term tolerance, postoperative complications, methods of increasing implants motility, its wrapping and cosmetic final results are also discussed. Porous orbital implants, the most widely used implants nowadays, are described in details. Special attention is devoted to the problem of performing surgery with orbital implants in children.
Keywords: orbital implants, porous orbital implants, implant motility, pediatric orbital implants.