Wydanie 1/2005
Zastosowanie perymetrii o zdwojonej częstotliwości w wykrywaniu jaskry u dzieci i młodzieży
Use of Frequency Doubling Perimetry in Glaucoma Detection in Children and Adolescents
Małgorzata Mrugacz, Alina Bakunowicz-Łazarczyk, Beata Urban, Nella Żywalewska
Klinika Okulistyki Dziecięcej Akademii Medycznej w Białymstoku Kierownik: prof. dr hab. med. Alina Bakunowicz-Łazarczyk
Summary: Aim: To evaluate the diagnostic usefulness of the use of frequency-doubling technology (FDT) perimetry in children and adolescents with glaucoma. Material and methods: 30 patients with suspected glaucoma aged 12-18 years and 25 normal control subjects aged 13-18 years were enclosed in the study. All participants underwent ophthalmic examination with the measure of the intraocular pressure and gonioscopy, and standard achromatic automated perimetry and FDT perimetry. Results: 10 (33%) glaucoma patients had visual field defects in FDT perimetry; visual field in automated perimetry was normal. Conclusions: FDT perimetry have the potential role for the glaucomatous visual field loss detection in children and adolescents. Visual field defects may be detected earlier than in standard perimetry.
Keywords: glaucoma, frequency doubling perimetry.