Wydanie 1/2004
Mikroflora worka spojówkowego u pacjentów zgłaszających się do operacji zaćmy
Bacterial flora in conjunctival sac of patients undergoing cataract surgery
Małgorzata Gawrońska1, Józef Kałużny1, Agnieszka Mikucka2, Eugenia Gospodarek2
1Katedra i Klinika Chorób Oczu Akademii Medycznej w
Kierownik: prof. dr hab. med. Józef Kałużny
2Katedra i Zakład Mikrobiologii Akademii Medycznej w
Kierownik: prof. nadzw. dr hab. Eugenia Gospodarek
Summary: Aim: To evaluate bacterial flora of the conjunctival sac in patients before cataract surgery. Material and methods: 120 patients prepared to cataract procedure mean age 71,5 of both sex underwent bacteriological examination of the conjunctival sac. Microorganisms were identified with API test (bio-Mérieux) and their antibiotic-sensivity was determined with disc-diffusion method. Results: Positive cultures were obtained in 40,0% cases. Gram-positive bacteria were found in 42,5% cultures and Gram-negative were accounted in 3,3%. In 30,8% among positive cultures Staphylococcus spp. was observed, mostly Staphylococcus epidermidis ? 19,1%. Staphylococcus aureus was isolated in 3,3%. The strains of CNS were in 12,5% methicillin resistant. Conclusions: 1. Microbiological examination of the swab taken before cataract surgery is negative in more than half of the cases (60,0%). 2. Dominant population of the bacteria in conjunctival sac is Gram-positive species. 3. In most positive cultures with Gram-positive bacteria of Staphylococcus epidermidis was founded. 4. In the majority of isolated species gentamicyn ? sensivity was observed.
Keywords: swabs from conjunctival sac, bacterial flora, bacteriological investigations, antibiogram.