Wydanie 2/2005
Porównanie wyników pomiarów głębokości komory przedniej uzyskanych w badaniu USG i aparatem Pentacam
Comparison of Anterior Chamber Depth Measurements Values with Ultrasound and Pentacam
Piotr Maciejewicz, Dorota Kopacz, Dariusz Kęcik
Katedra i Klinika Okulistyki I Wydziału Lekarskiego Akademii Medycznej w Warszawie Kierownik: prof. nadzw. dr hab. med. Dariusz Kęcik
Summary: The aim of the study was to compare optic and ultrasound measurments (both immersion and contact technique) of the anterior chamber depth. The study was performed on 30 healthy eyes. Measurements were taken 5 times with each system and the mean values were compared. The results have shown that optical and immersion US values are simmilar each other, but contact US values are lower.
Keywords: anterior chamber depth, immersion biometry, effective lens position, Pentacam.