Wydanie 2/2005
Znaczenie objawów ocznych w diagnostyce i monitorowaniu leczenia wodogłowia u dzieci i młodzieży
Hydrocephalus Diagnosis and Treatment Monitoring in Children and Adolescents - Significance of Ocular Manifestation
Anna Groblewska, Janusz Czajkowski
Klinika Okulistyki Instytutu "Centrum Zdrowia Matki Polki" w Łodzi Kierownik: prof. dr hab. med. Janusz Czajkowski
Summary: Hydrocephalus indicates increased accumulation of fluid within the cranium, with the abnormal enlargement of the cerebral ventricles that results from increased intracranial pressure. The unique anatomic location of the visual sensory pathway and all the ocular motion nerves in the brain has made the ophthalmic system vulnerable to increased intracranial pressure. The results of ophthalmologic examination of 426 children with hydrocephalus are presented. Patients were divided into 5 groups according to the age and hydrocephalus cause. Visual acuity, refractive error, eye movement, anterior segment, optic disc appearance, visual field were examined. Ophthalmologic disorders were markedly more frequent in hydrocephalic children than in general population. Squint was the most common visual abnormality, the second one was abnormal optic disc appearance. Ocular disorders depend on shunt placement or replacement.
Keywords: hydrocephalus, eye abnormalities.