Wydanie 3/2004
Porównanie przebiegu leczenia oraz wyników fakoemusyfikacji zaćmy u chorych z wysoką krótkowzrocznością wykonanych w warunkach szpitalnych i ambulatoryjnie
Comparison of course and results of in-patient and out-patient cataract phacoemulsification in high myopia
Andrzej Mierzejewski1,3, Iwona Eliks3, Bartosz Harasimowicz1, Bartłomiej J. Kałużny2, Jakub J. Kałużny2,3
1Oddział Okulistyczny Szpitala Zespolonego w Kaliszu
Ordynator: dr n. med. Andrzej Mierzejewski
2Klinika Okulistyczna Akademii Medycznej w Bydgoszczy
Kierownik: prof. dr hab. med. Józef Kałużny
3NZOZ Eskulap w Bydgoszczy
Ordynator: lek. med. Iwona Eliks
Summary: Objective: To evaluate the influence of operation mode (in-patient or out-patient) and treatment course on postoperative visual acuity and complications after cataract phacoemulsification in highly myopic eyes. Methods: 41 patients (44 eyes) operated in hospitals (in-patient mode) ? group I and 34 patients (48 eyes) operated in out-patient mode ? group II, were enrolled into the study. The axial length of all operated eyes was over 25.5 mm. On a base of patients? charts retrospective analysis OFA number and quality of complications were evaluated. Follow-up examinations were carried out 2 to 28 months after surgery. The visual acuity, refractive error, anterior and posterior segment were assessed. Results: The differences between groups concerning age and biometry were not significant. Statistically significant differences in preoperative visual acuity (0.14 ? group I and 0.28 ? group II) and grade of nuclear hardness (2.27 ? group I and 1.96 ? group II) were observed. The postoperative visual acuity was similar in both groups (0.83 and 0.77, respectively). The difference concerning ratio of posterior capsule opacification and YAG capsulotomy was significant (in group I ? 7 and 0, in group II ? 18 and 5, respectively). Retinal detachment appeared in 1 eye from group I. Conclusions: The operation mode (in-patient or out-patient) and postoperative treatment have no significant influence on final result of the phacoemulsification in myopic eyes.
Keywords: phacoemulsification, myopia, results.