Wydanie 4/2004
Analiza przyczyn ślepoty i znacznego pogorszenia widzenia u dzieci i młodzieży - lata 1999-2003
The analysis of the causes of blindness and significant vision loss among children and young adults - between 1999 and 2003
Małgorzata Seroczyńska, Mirosława Grałek, Krystyna Kanigowska
Klinika Okulistyki Instytutu - Pomnika ?Centrum Zdrowia Dziecka? Kierownik: prof. dr hab. med. Mirosława Grałek
Summary: The aim of this paper is the analysis of the causes of blindness and significant vision loss among children and young adults less than 24 years old in last few years. The evaluation was based on the study of 1640 cases form the area of Mazowsze, 1014 cases were approved as formally complying with functional blindness criteria. The outcome is presented on following tables and illustrations. The analysis proved that the structure of disorders causing significant vision loss is gradually changing. In the 90?s of most influence were ROP, retinoblastoma, glaucoma, and also disorders strictly linked with the perinatal period. The most current cases show, that this tendency has altered and among the youngest children, therapy dependent disorders are no longer the most common cause of visual impairment. That makes the structure of the causes of blindness in Poland more similar to the one observed in other highly developed countries.