Wydanie 4/2007
str. 62
Wpływ niepowikłanej fakoemulsyfikacji zaćmy na grubość plamki mierzoną metodą optycznej tomografii koherentnej
The Influence of Uneventful Cataract Phacoemulsification on Macular Thickness Measured Using Optical Coherence Tomography Method
Igor Drobniewski, Joanna Stępień, Aleksandra Synder, Wojciech Omulecki
Klinika Chorób Oczu Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi Kierownik: prof. dr hab. n. med. Wojciech Omulecki
Summary: Purpose: To assess
the impact of cataract phacoemulsification and foldable
IOL implantation on the retinal thickness in the macular
region measured with optical coherence tomography (OCT)
Material and methods: The study involved 20
subjects with immature senile cataract and free from
other eye disorders, that underwent an uneventful
cataract phacoemulsification. In all patients multifocal
macular thickness measurement using STRATUS OCT
equipment was taken one day preoperatively and 7 days
postoperatively. The comparison of minimal foveal
thickness, macular thickness in central 1.0 mm zone and
macular thickness in paracentral and peripheral zones of
1.0-3.0 mm and 3.0-6.0 mm diameters, respectively
measured pre- and postoperatively was performed. Because
of a limited subjects number a nonparametric Wilcoxon
test was employed in statistical analysis.
Results: The mean preoperative retinal thickness
in the individual macular zones was: 162.5 (±12.4) µm at
foveal centre; 200.5 (±12.5) µm in central zone; 262.5
(±14.4) µm in paracentral zone and 218.1 (±30.3)µm in
peripheral zone. Postoperatively, the respective
parameters were: 163.9 (±21.5) µm; 203.2 (±12.0) µm;
269.4 ±15.0) µm and 233.4 (±15.9) µm. Statistical
analysis revealed a significant increase in macular
thickness in paracentral and peripheral zones and lack
of such difference for foveal centre and central zone.
Conclusion: Our results suggest, that even an
uneventful cataract phacoemulsification with the intact
posterior capsule may cause a mild but significant
increase in macular thickness (except the whole central
foveal zone), which should be considered as subclinical
macular edema. It cannot however be completely excluded,
that the observed change is also caused by the
difference in optical conditions between cataractous and
pseudophakic eyes.