Wydanie 3/2015
str. 57

Ocena czynności oczu u dzieci poddanych operacji zaćmy wrodzonej i wtórnemu wszczepieniu zwijalnej soczewki wewnątrzgałkowej

Visual Function Evaluation in Children after Congenital Cataract Surgery and Secondary Foldable Intraocular Lens Implantation

Erita Filipek1,2, Maria Formińska-Kapuścik1,2, Lidia Nawrocka1,2, Dorota Barchanowska1,2

1 Klinika Okulistyki Dziecięcej Katedry Okulistyki Śląskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Katowicach
Kierownik: prof. dr hab. n. med. Maria Formińska-Kapuścik
2 Uniwersyteckie Centrum Okulistyki i Onkologii, Samodzielny Publiczny Szpital Kliniczny Śląskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Katowicach

Summary: Purpose: Evaluation of anatomical and functional state of eyes in children after congenital cataract surgery and secondary foldable intraocular lens implantation.Purpose: Patient and Methods: Thirty two eyes of 20 patients – 6 girls and 14 boys aged from from 2.7 to 10.8 years (mean 5.6±1.8) were included in the review. The age of children at the cataract surgery was from 3 to 30 months and moment of implantation was from 7 to 70 months. Follow-up time was from 7 to 84 months. Visual acuity for distance, and visual acuity for near, intraocular pressure, axial length of eyeball, refractive error, optical axis transparency and eyeballs position were examined.
Results: Corrected visual acuity for distance was mean 0.3±0.2, and visual acuity for near 2.0±1.8. The values of intraocular pressure were normal mean 15.3 (±0.37) mmHg. Mean axial length of eyeball was 21.64 (±1.15) mm, refractive error was mean +1.5 Dsph (±2.5). In all eyes optical axis was transparent. Esotropia ocurred in 13 children, exotropia in 1 case, nystagmus in 9 patients. Strabismus correction surgery was performed in 6 eyes.
Conclusion: Secondary implantation of foldable intraocular lenses after congenital cataract surgery is a safe and effective method to correct aphakia in carefully selected pediatric patients.

Słowa kluczowe: zaćma wrodzona, wtórny wszczep sztucznej zwijalnej soczewki wewnątrzgałkowej, czynność oczu, dzieci.

Keywords: congenital cataract, secondary foldable intraocular lens implantation, visual functions, children.
