Wydanie 2/2017
str. 22 - 25

Okulistyczne badania przesiewowe u uczniów z kołobrzeskich szkół podstawowych

Eye Screening Tests for Primary Schools Students in Kołobrzeg

Klaudia Rzeszotek 1 , Wiesław Kiszczyński 1 , Elżbieta Bumbul-Mazurek 1 , Mariusz Rzeszotek 2

1 Oddział Okulistyczny Regionalnego Szpitala w Kołobrzegu
2 Gimnazjum nr 1 im. B. Chrobrego w Kołobrzegu

Summary: Aim: The aim of this study was to present and analyse selected screening test results obtained from students from four primary schools in Kołobrzeg.
Material and Methods: 1616 children aged 6 to 14 (818 girls and 798 boys) were tested. The following elements were analysed: acuity for near and distant vision, refraction, binocular vision, eye setting examination, colour recognition.
Results: 1616 students were tested; correct visual function was found in 946 children (58.5%). Incorrect visual functions were found in 670 persons, which accounted for 41.5% of all subjects. Eye screening tests in children are invaluable for early detection of irregular vision functions. The tests allowed for identifying a considerable number of children with previously undiagnosed and untreated visual defects – 506 were not under the care of an eye doctor at the time.
Conclusions: 1. Irregular functions of the eyes affected 41.5% of students from four primary schools in Kołobrzeg. 2. It is necessary to perform eye screening tests in primary schools as 75.5% of visual irregularities found by our tests were previously undiagnosed. 3. After eye screening tests, parents and teachers should be provided with accurate written information about eye defects, as they should monitor the beginning of extended diagnostics and treatment at outpatient clinics. 4. Eye screening tests for preschoolers and early school children should be popularised.

Słowa kluczowe: okulistyczne badanie przesiewowe, wady wzroku dzieci, ostrość wzroku, refrakcja, stereoskopia, widzenie barw.

Keywords: ophthalmological screening, vision problems in children, Visual acuity, refraction, stereoscopy, color vision.
