Wydanie 4/2018
str. 34
Zespół Posnera-Schlossmana – wciąż aktualny problem diagnostyczno-terapeutyczny
Posner-Schlossman Syndrome – Still Valid Diagnostic and Therapeutic Problem
Hanna Sobutka, Michał Wilczyński
Klinika Chorób Oczu I Katedry Chorób Oczu Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi
Kierownik: prof. dr hab. n. med. Wojciech Omulecki
Summary: Posner-Schlossman syndrome is a rare condition of secondary inflammatory glaucoma. Typically patients present symptoms of unilateral elevated intraocular pressure and mild anterior uveitis. Despite numerous research attempts, the etiology of the disease is still unclear.
The episodes of Posner-Schlossman syndrome may occur multiple times during the patient’s life, causing serious damage to the optic nerve. Some patients may also develop primary open angle glaucoma.
Patients diagnosed with Posner-Scholossman syndrome should be regularly followed up by an ophthalmologist, as they are at risk of developing open angle glaucoma.
This article presents description of symptoms, diagnosis and therapy of this rare disorder.
Słowa kluczowe: zespół Posnera-Schlossmana, jaskra, ciśnienie wewnątrzgałkowe.
Keywords: Posner-Schlossman syndrome, glaucoma, intraocular pressure.