Wydanie 4/2006
Perforacja gałki ocznej u chorej z naciekiem nowotworowym skóry twarzy i nosa
Eyeball Perforation in Patient with Malignant Infiltration of the Skin of Face and Nose
Beata Latecka-Krajewska, Wojciech Omulecki
Klinika Chorób Oczu Katedry Chorób Oczu Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi Kierownik: prof. dr hab. n. med. Wojciech Omulecki
Summary: Ninety two years old female patient, treated during 4 years for the planoepithelial cancer of face and nose skin, was admitted to our department due to the right eyeball perforation, which was probably related to malignant infiltration. Her malignant skin lesions have been repeatedly treated surgically. The patient has not been qualified for radiotherapy. On the admission day, peripheral corneal rupture with iris prolapse was observed. The corneal rupture was sutured and the prolapsing iris was excised. Simultaneously, during the same general anesthesia, cataract was removed and intraocular lens was implanted in the left eye.
Keywords: planoepithelial cancer, malignant infiltration, radiotherapy, eyeball perforation.